Friday, May 27, 2011

Prince Who??

I've been going through a lot of debate lately on when's the right time to get married, what are the criteria of the best husband aka prince charming & what not to compromise when finding a decent man. I don't always get into that debate, i try to stay neutral, especially after i listen to so many opinions which are all right sometimes.

My hair dresser says: A man wants to get married at 3 phases in his life, 21, 26 & 35. If he passes any phase he would want to wait for the next stop to think about it again. That's the best timing to start husband hunting.

A guy friend of mine says: Marriage is a waste of time & money not to mention it ruins friendships & real relationships.

My mother says: 27 is the right age for you to get married, before that don't even think about it unless it's prince of Wales.. well mom too bad, he's taken!!

My grandmother doesn't say much but i'm pretty sure she thinks i'm a spinster since she started giving me hints about getting married when i turned 17, that was like 6 years ago!

Caricature showing a woman's criteria of her prince charming at different ages. Starting for Brad Pitt look a like to NOTHING, just the fact that he's a man!

A girl friend of mine doesn't miss a chance to traditionally get introduced to guys, it doesn't matter if they're losers, doctors.. anything just to make sure she doesn't miss that train.. literally!

Another girl friend of mine has certain criteria for the marriage in mind, a checklist with figures & prices. If they're not met, there's no need to even pass by for that coffee.

An older girl friend of mine says: Don't compromise anything, he should want you for who you are. You should be the one wearing the pants & showing him how it's done.. Sometimes i wonder why she's still single (nothing wrong with that, just saying!)

Anyways just wanted to give you a thought of what's going on here. What do you think? I'll let you know what i think in my next post :)

Good night everyone!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sayings of Love

I found this on StumbleUpon this morning & couldn't just let it go by. I think it's one of the most amazing love notes anyone could say. I won't elaborate much, will just leave you to wonder. Have a good one :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wishing Upon A Star..

"Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it" where have I heard this before? Eminem sang about it, Zebrahead did too & let's not forget PussyCat Dolls who repeated it constantly in their "When I grow up" song. Is it true though?

I have constantly watched documentaries, read books even attended seminars on that. The new trend was to actually harness your wishes so you could get what you really want & not just what you wish for. Moreover, what you wish for might not be what's best for you so in order to have your final result your wishes should be well directed.

I can't believe I'm even writing about this. What does that have to do with Cherry Pink & everything so pink & nice? Well, ladies & gentlemen, I have to assure you that it is true. You do get what you wish for. Not in the desperate "Pretty pretty please" way, but in having your dreams somewhere in the back of your head, thinking about them positively, looking at them whether online, in magazines or on your cut-out clipboard. Just look at it & know that you want it & you just might get what's even better.

But be careful, this is kind of like Bedazzled.. you might get one thing but not the whole package. So make sure you know what you wish for, set the priorities & just like when you set your professional objectives make sure these wishes are credible & can be achieved. Don't go wishing for Megan Fox or Brad Pitt now, they're happily married :) Try the single ones ;)