Thursday, July 21, 2011


Now this post will sound very weird, it felt weird writing anyways. Have you ever stopped to wonder at any crossroad why you take one way and not another.. no i'm not trying to be philosophical and i swear i knew you'd answer "Well because i know the way from here". I'm talking about when you're looking for a location for the 1st time & you have two roads, one that has a clear end and might be the easiest route, while the other seems to have some sort of maze. You tend to take the road with the maze. You're automatically set to make that choice, i don't know why but i think it's human nature of wanting to have other options. Wanting to KNOW that we have other options.

Let's take another example, what makes good looking guys players? It's choices, they have unlimited number of choices that keep growing and growing giving them more opportunities to be players while other guys, who might be not as good looking sometimes, are satisfied and ready to settle down. One theory is it's because they don't have choices, or let's say multiple options like good looking players. A second theory would say because when you have too many options you end up not getting anything, but when you have an item or two and you just have to pick one your chances of buying that item are way higher.

I'm no psychologist but i tend to study people around me, study their behavior whether it's in relationships, purchasing, or just dealing with daily life. It seems that people vary at wanting choices from one thing to another. Like one guy would want to go to a restaurant that has many options on the menu. Another person might want to go to a restaurant simply because of the specific plates he can order, that's when he orders "The Usual"

This was just a though, listen to the music link i posted below which i do in most of my posts, i think it'll just give you something to think about..

Good Night Amman!